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May 01, 2004 10:52 am "Tall Poppy Syndrome"
Lorraine Almeida

Here we go again. “Tall Poppy Syndrome.”

Thai-Go I believe has just come to market sometime in 2004 and the fact that they are resorting to blatantly knocking XANGO™ shows that they are very concerned.

I wrote to Nature's Sunshine and asked some very pertinent questions and not one was answered - instead I was just told the product Thai-Go is not yet available
in Australia, and to try again in a few months!

Why? When they have such a wonderful product range which I am lead to believe they do would they want to copy a company that is breaking all records in the Networking industry. “I call it jumping on the bandwagon – but a little late.”

Why? Would they wish to take the focus of what they know best…Vitamins and Minerals?
Why would they want to copy half our logo?

We know that XANGO™ is a Genuine, Unique, Branded patent pending product, and will always be known as the First to Market with mangosteen fruit juice.
Xango™ (has an association with Wild Flavors the no.1 Research and Distribution company in the world with a Scientific board of 100 people), and have surpassed in 1 year, turnover, that has taken other companies three years to achieve..

Isn't it great? The whole industry is saying our name. Xango! Xango!
We, as very proud Xango distributors thank these (Johnny come Late lie’s) for basically telling the world, (with their attacks and small mindedness) that they are concerned about XanGo.

A few points to ponder:
1. Pepsi can compare all they want, but they will never be Coke. Their comparisons even prove that people prefer Pepsi over Coke. Then why is Pepsi not number one? Interesting...

So ask them this question: if they have such great products and they have every sizzle product on the market and their "sizzle products" are so much more effective than the competition then why aren't they a $50 billion dollar company? (After 30 years I believe in the industry)
The answer is that it is not just a product.
If it were this company would be a $50 billion dollar a year company.

Xango have what it takes We have the Product, the Corporate Team, it is the Comp Plan, it is Focus, it is the Story, it is Distributor Leadership, it is an unseen force called Momentum that only comes along very rarely, it is life changing, it can only be described as a phenomenon called XanGo.
There will only ever be one Kleenex, one Sorbent, one Coca Cola, one McDonalds and one Xango™

A little late Thai-Go – Sorry!

”Lets Tango with Xango”


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